Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Personal Thoughts on the Disability Ministry Conference

On a more personal level...
Two Scripture passages stuck out to me more than all the others we read during the weekend.  They are in Acts 3 and Mark 2.  In Acts 3, Peter and John interact with a man begging at the temple gate.  He asks them for the money, but they have none.  Instead of brushing him off and passing him by, they enter into a conversation with him.  And while they have no money to offer, they share what they do have; they share Jesus through physical healing.  I've been searching my heart for the various things I have to offer.  I can offer Jesus, yes.  But through what means?  I can give my time by playing games, engaging in conversation, or merely sitting with someone so he or she doesn't have to sit alone.  I can offer an education by implementing new strategies and adaptations.  I can give empathy and friendship.

If I were to sum up the message I took from the conference it would be this:
God is looking for people of faith who are willing to overcome 
all of the obstacles to bring people with special needs to Him.

Mark 2:1-5 talks about a man who was paralyzed.  His friends literally cut a hole in the roof to be able to drop this man at Jesus' feet.  I was thinking about this story.  The man who was paralyzed had probably heard of Jesus; he may have even known some of His teachings.  But if it weren't for his friends and their radical actions, the man who was paralyzed most likely would never have had a personal encounter with Jesus.  I want to be like these friends.  I want to take advantage of the opportunities I have to work around the obstacles and bring a friend that much closer to Jesus.

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